tirsdag den 13. juli 2010


The trip went nicely and simple. I didn't get those pics of Moscow airport, but then i got an unique souvenir in the from of a chromified plastic tea spoon.

After arriving in central Tokyo, the quest was then to find a place to sleep and put my stuff. It turns out that I have underestimated the whole "go to a place where you don't know the language and see what happens" concept, in that I cannot read roadsigns :) Luckily for me, a friendly taxi driver had some idea of what i wanted, but not actually idea what i was talking about. So he dropped me off at some intersection, gave me a piece of paper with chinese signs on it and pointed in a direction. So I payed him and walked that way. The first place that seemed nice to go to, was a karaoke bar, where I instantly got kicked out by an old man. Ten meter up the street, however, was K's House Tokyo Oasis. That where I'm now, waiting for a bed to become available ;)

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